Hello I am Patrick Druart and this is my website

I like writing code and enjoy learning new things.

Currently I am 24 years old and live in the Netherlands.

In my free time I enjoy reading, strategy games, and playing Dungeons & Dragons

Programming Projects

You can view all my projects on Github including these:

Jorm Maps: A 'Google Maps' for DnD campaigns

Using LeafletJS I made Jorm Maps, a sort of 'Google Maps' for a DnD campaign I play in. It loads locations dynamically from a locations file making it really easy to adapt to new campaigns.

Over time I've added more features such as searching for places and then being able to share those locations via links. It was a lot of fun to develop and it is one of my favorite projects to have made.

Jorm Maps
View source on github View live

Cub3D: A Wolfenstein3D-like raycaster made with C

Creating a 3D view from a 2D map and some clever mathematics.

C program View source on github

tic-tac-toe: A generalized tic-tac-toe game made with Angular

Play tic-tac-toe with more than 2 players on an N by M board and longer lines required to win.

C program View source on github View live


Take a look at my resume here.


If you want to contact me you can reach me here: